Volume report

A file containing the simulated volume and count data for the estimation is produced if the the file is named (not necessary). If the user selects the STATS=T option, then this volume report will contain much more information for each screenline value as well as summary statistics for the estimation procedure. Note that in the case of dynamic estimation with a warm up period, the observed counts are adjusted in the volume report to compensate for the warm up period. The statistics included in the report file are the root mean square error or RMSE described in Equation 13, the relative root mean square error or RRMSE described in Equation 14, the GEH statistic of Equation 15 which is reported as a percentage of counts with values of less than 5 and less than 10 as well as the total value over all counts, and the correlation coefficient R2 described by Equation 16. The equations for these statistics are provided here using Vi for the simulated volume corresponding to count i, Ci for the observed count value i, Cavg for the average count value of the set and N for the total number of counts i in the set.

Equation 13

Equation 14

Equation 15

Equation 16

Note that the RMSE, RRMSE and GEH stats have been multiplied by 100 in the report file to represent percentages. Also note that though it may seem counterintuitive, R2 values can in fact be negative and if so would correspond to a very poor correlation value (the further from equaling 1 the lower the correlation, hence the more negative the worse).